By Brian Chasnoff, San Antonio Express News
September 18, 2009
The San Antonio Police
Department has misplaced more than 2,000
police reports ranging from thefts and car
wrecks to more serious offenses of rapes and
assaults, according to internal police
documents obtained by the San Antonio
Now, the Police
Department is scrambling to “recover and
correct the open cases so all reports are
properly received, entered and accounted
for,” according to an internal memo that a
deputy chief sent last week to Police Chief
William McManus.
“We’ve got to get our hands on a piece of paper. That’s what it boils down to,” Assistant Chief Geraldine Garcia acknowledged Thursday. “Our problem now is finding that report.”
Police discovered the lapses two months ago
while trying to clean up the record-keeping
system, Garcia said.
The memo to McManus listed 20 “major
contributing factors” to the mess, including
random errors by patrol officers and
supervisors, incorrect coding of calls and a
lack of oversight of records clerks and
Responding officers in many cases showed up
at scenes, handwrote reports and tendered
them to be tucked away in the records unit.
But at some point in the department’s
process of managing records, the reports —
about 2,300 in the first seven months of
this year — went unaccounted for, documents
A police source familiar with the imbroglio
but unauthorized to speak to media said some
officers have been asked to rewrite reports
on incidents to which they responded months
“They don’t have the information,” the
source said. “This is very basic, but it
affects just about everything.”
Police reports in some ways are the nexus of
a law enforcement agency.
They provide raw data for conducting
investigations, responding to troubled
neighborhoods and calculating crime
statistics. They also serve as crucial
resources for prosecutors and residents
seeking insurance coverage for damaged or
stolen property.
Cliff Herberg, first assistant district
attorney for Bexar County, acknowledged
police reports are essential to a
prosecution, but added he was confident
police would manage either to recreate the
reports or recover copies of them.
“If there’s no police report, then no case
gets investigated, and then no case gets
filed with us,” he said.
But he also said: “I just don’t see (a
report) falling through the cracks.”
Thomas Aveni, co-founder of the
Police Policy Studies Council in Spofford,
N.H., stressed that the sheer volume of
reports that police agencies generate on a
daily basis can create “day-to-day
“It’s just the chaos in which police
departments are trying to manage tens of
thousands of reports coming in from various
sources,” Aveni said.
But he added that the situation in San
Antonio appears problematic.
“If I have 2,000 reports missing in a fairly
compressed period of time, I’d be
concerned,” Aveni said. “This is an
embarrassment to them on some level, and
they should want to rectify it.”
This is not the first time problems have
arisen with the Police Department’s handling
of records.
In 2007, McManus asked the city and FBI to
review the department’s record-keeping
practices after the Express-News questioned
its homicide clearance rates for the
previous year.
McManus said he planned to create a unit
that would ensure accuracy in the
department’s Uniform Crime Reporting system,
the national standard for recording the
numbers of crimes in a law enforcement
agency’s jurisdiction.
Completed last year, the city audit found
the department had “no true central records
function in place to ensure accuracy,
completeness and compliance” with FBI
guidelines on submitting the statistics.
In attempting to fix the way they report
crimes, police this year discovered “many
cases” were unaccounted for, according to
the memo to McManus. The memo didn’t specify
how many, but police acknowledged Thursday
that more than 2,000 reports had been
“You get slapped when you try to do a good
job,” said Garcia, the assistant police
chief. “We said we’re going to self-audit.”
Michael Gilbert, a University of Texas at
San Antonio criminologist, stressed that the
apparent number of missing reports is low
compared to the estimated 1 million calls
police here receive on an annual basis.
He called the missing reports’ impact on UCR
numbers “negligible.” Yet, lost reports
could understate crime levels in
neighborhoods, Gilbert said.
“It could affect response levels. It could
affect assignment of personnel,” he said.
“As a manager, I’d want to know: Is it the
tip of an iceberg or is it just some random
He said missing reports also could delay
The case “might not resurface unless
somebody inquires,” he said.
The reasons for the missing reports are
myriad, according to the memo to McManus.
Reporting officers often write reports
illegibly and invert numerals when writing
case numbers. Patrol supervisors assigned to
officer-complaint calls fail to follow up
with a report, consigning the cases to a
black hole.
In one case with a missing report, a man
with bloodstains on his shirt showed up at a
police station claiming an officer had
assaulted him at the Saint nightclub,
according to an internal police document.
Sometimes, officers in the field assign case
numbers to incidents that they shouldn’t,
such as when they request wreckers for flat
tires or dead batteries.
The memo also noted a lack of accountability
for those who physically carry police
reports to the records unit at police
Unlike those in other Texas agencies, San
Antonio police still handwrite most reports.
A computer system conceived a decade ago
that would have allowed officers to type
their reports into laptops never
Aveni pointed to the antiquated
system as a possible monkey wrench.
“If you’re dealing with an old-fashioned
paper system, in many respects you’ve got
more opportunity for a report to get
misplaced,” he said. “And the larger the
agency, the more hands that are in the pie.”
Gilbert added that staffing levels could
have contributed to the problems. San
Antonio has about 2,200 police officers for
a city of about 1.3 million people.
“Rushed work can occur when a police
department has too few people to do too much
work,” Gilbert said.
For one, Garcia said she’s determined now to
correct the problems.
“We found another way to audit ourselves,”
the assistant chief said. “I anticipate a
couple hundred (missing reports) a month.
And I’ll be on top of it every month now.”